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Minister of Planning and Statistics of the Republic of Congo Inspected the Statistics School Project

Release Time:2023-6-29 4:25:18

Minister of Planning and Statistics of the Republic of Congo and His Delegation Inspected the Statistics School Project 

Recently, the Minister of Planning and Statistics of the Republic of Congo, accompanied by a delegation from the World Bank, inspected the World Bank Statistics School project, which is undertaken by the company. The Minister listened to the work report of the project team, learned about the construction progress, and expressed confidence in the timely delivery of the project by the end of July 2023. The Minister hopes that the project team will continue to make efforts and complete the project with quality and quantity assured.

The Statistics School project in the Republic of Congo is funded by the World Bank, with a construction area of nearly 6,000 square meters. After completion, it will become the cradle for the training of statistical and planning talents in the Republic of Congo.

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