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Groundbreaking Ceremony Held for the Administrative Building Project in N’djili, DRC

Release Time:2024-1-25 19:07:50

        On October 16, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Works of the Democratic Republic of the Congo organized the groundbreaking ceremony for the administrative building project of Ndjili. The Governor of Kinshasa, Minister of Infrastructure and Public Works and representatives of the World Bank attended the ceremony. The Chairman of the Board and the General Manager of WIETC DRC Company, Tu Dajun and Yu Qinghua, respectively, also participated in the ceremony.

Chairman Tu Dajun attended the ceremony

At the Ceremony, the Governor of Kinshasa stressed the significance of the project for improving infrastructures and facilitating life convenience for residents in Ndjili. He also pointed out the project could provide more job opportunities for young locals and help increase incomes for residents, hoping all parties cooperate to complete the project in a high-quality way. Subsequently, the Minister of Infrastructure and Public Works personally laid the foundation stone for the project, marking the success of the ceremony.

The Governor of Kinshasa delivered a speech

The Minister of Infrastructure and Public Works laid the foundation stone for the projec

        The project owner is the Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Works. The project is located in the center of Ndjili, with its construction fund from the World Bank. The construction lasts 18 months, including two sections, namely, the Municipal Square and Santa Thales Square. The Municipal Square covers 13,805 , including an administrative building, police station, commercial outlets, Municipal Youth Council renovation and ancillary works such as road and greening; the Santa Thales Square covers 52,880 , including two football fields, two stadiums, one indoor court, one table tennis court, one fitness and entertainment zone, one tea bar and ancillary works such as square fences, roads and greening.


Upon completion, the project will create better leisure and entertainment space for the locals, improve the office, management and reception environment of Ndjili government, and promote the urban development of Kinshasa.

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