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Sidewalk Project in District 2 and 5 of Yaounde Officially Breaks Ground

Release Time:2024-8-13 16:05:33

Recently, the sidewalk project in District 2 and District 5 of Yaounde, Cameroon, has officially broken ground. Funded by the World Bank, this project aims to improve the municipal road conditions in the districts. The construction scope includes pavement, drainage ditches, culverts and ancillary works, with a construction period of eight months.

Since the signing of the contract, WIETC Cameroon has conducted field surveys of the project sites, checked the bill of quantities against the preliminary design drawings, and created construction sketches for each street. They have also marked out construction difficulties, alongside the power, water and network pipelines that require relocation. Then, together with the supervising entity, they have completed geological surveys, site re-measurements, detailed design of drawings and sampling of raw materials, ensuring all preparatory work is in place for the project's commencement. Next, the project team will conduct elaborate organization and scientific management to implement the project with excellence and efficiency, thereby further solidifying their presence in the Cameroonian market.

Copyright:Weihai International Economic & Technical Cooperative Co., Ltd.(c) Address :16 Tongyi Road, Weihai City, China  Lu ICP, number 12002982, -3 TEL:86-0631-5233588  FAX:86-0631-5224345  Lu public network security 37100202000269Number  Technical Support:Aosion
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