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Current Location:Home > Engineering Case > Public Buildings

Lumumba Square

Completion date: Jan. 2015
Project Introduction:
Lumumba Square is located in the center of Kinshasa, including 32,000 square meters of cement tiles floor pavement, 40,000 square meters of green square, nine fountains, one 140 meters high elevator and monument, four sub-square, a theater stands and other auxiliary structures, it is the iconic building of Kinshasa.
Delivery Method: General construction contracting

Copyright:Weihai International Economic & Technical Cooperative Co., Ltd.(c) Address :16 Tongyi Road, Weihai City, China  Lu ICP, number 12002982, -3 TEL:86-0631-5233588  FAX:86-0631-5224345  Lu public network security 37100202000269Number  Technical Support:Aosion
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