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Villa complex in Pointe Noire

Completion date: Jun. 2003
Project Introduction:
The project is located in Pointe Noire of the Republic of Congo, and is mainly comprised of 36 villas and ancillary utilities, covering a floor area of 7480m2.

Copyright:Weihai International Economic & Technical Cooperative Co., Ltd.(c) Address :16 Tongyi Road, Weihai City, China  Lu ICP, number 12002982, -3 TEL:86-0631-5233588  FAX:86-0631-5224345  Lu public network security 37100202000269Number  Technical Support:Aosion
东兴市| 桑日县| 松溪县| 宜昌市| 鄂伦春自治旗| 蓬莱市| 美姑县| 太保市| 衡水市| 景德镇市| 汾阳市| 辛集市| 盐津县| 南川市| 咸宁市| 阿巴嘎旗| 长宁区| 波密县| 璧山县| 盱眙县| 五家渠市| 诸城市| 西畴县| 西乌| 龙泉市| 莱阳市| 嘉荫县| 平利县| 华坪县| 全南县| 深州市| 新平| 上饶市| 普兰店市| 葫芦岛市| 合水县| 鄯善县| 巴彦淖尔市| 福泉市| 绥中县| 乳源|